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简述exa is an improved file lister with more features and better defaults. It uses colours to distinguish file types and metadata. It knows about symlinks, extended attributes, an...


sersync介绍sersync主要用于服务器同步,web镜像等功能。基于boost1.43.0,inotify api,rsync command.开发。目前使用的比较多的同步解决方案是inotify-tools+rsync ,另外一个是google开源项目Openduckbill(依赖于inotify- tools),这两个都是基于脚本语言编写的。...

BuyVM Block Storage(数据盘)挂载方法

1、购买 Block Storage (Las Vegas)。2、进入 Storage Volumes (https://manage.buyvm.net/volumes/)后台,将 Block Storage 附加到(Attached To) VPS。3、登陆服务器查看附加卷[root@localhost ~]# ls /dev/disk/by-id...